-function show_error() {
- errcho "Please use one of: -w, --window, -a, --area, -s, --selection,"
- errcho " -f, --full or no argument at all."
+function show_help() {
+ errcho "Usage: screenshot.sh [option]"
+ errcho "This script wraps gnome-screenshot in order to instantly upload screenshots and get back a URL for sharing to IRC or other social media"
+ errcho "The default option is to take a screenshot of the whole screen."
+ errcho "The following options are available:"
+ errcho "-f, --full Take screenshot of the whole screen"
+ errcho "-w, --window Take screenshot of the active window"
+ errcho "-a, --area Take screenshot of an area/selection"
+ errcho "-s, --selection Take screenshot of an area/selection"
+ errcho "-c, --clipboard Upload image from paste buffer if present"
+ errcho "-p, --paste Upload image from paste buffer if present"
+ errcho "-j, --jpg, --jpeg Convert image from paste buffer to jpeg and upload"
+ errcho "-h, --help Show this help"