+# Visualize how random the $RANDOM function is
+# while demonstrating some neat array functions and things
+# Check for sane parameter
+if [[ "${1}" -lt 50 ]]; then
+ echo "Please input integer higher than 50"
+ exit 1
+# Declare arrays
+declare -A Count=()
+declare -A Graph=()
+# Loop n times
+for ((n=0;n<${1};n++)); do
+ # Assign random number, use modulo to reduce to desired range, add 1 to get rid of 0
+ Rand=$(( ( RANDOM % 8 ) + 1 ))
+ # Our Count array needs to be increased
+ (( Count[${Rand}]++ ))
+ # And append a character to our graph
+ Graph[$Rand]+=█
+# Find extremes
+for n in "${Count[@]}"; do
+ (( n > Max )) && Max=${n}
+for n in "${Count[@]}"; do
+ (( n < Min )) && Min=${n}
+# Find mean
+Mean=$(bc <<< "scale=2;${1}/${#Count[@]}")
+# Unset Graph array if we can't get it to fit on screen
+MaxWidth=$(tput cols)
+(( MaxWidth -= 10 ))
+if [[ "${Max}" -gt "${MaxWidth}" ]]; then
+ unset Graph
+# Loop through the Count array, note the # which returns the size of the array for us
+for ((n=1;n<=${#Count[@]};n++)); do
+ # printf to get some better formatting (space padding)
+ printf "%-3s %-5s %s\n" ${n} ${Count[$n]} ${Graph[$n]}
+echo -e "\nMin: ${Min}, Max: ${Max}, Mean: ${Mean}"
\ No newline at end of file