3 # Configure the X240 ClickPad
5 # 1 finger = left click, 2 finger = right click, 3 finger = middle click
8 synclient ClickFinger2
9 synclient ClickFinger3
11 # enable horizontal two-finger scrolling (vertical is enabled by default)
12 synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll
13 synclient VertTwoFingerScroll
15 # Where does the touch pad end to leave the remainder as real buttons
16 synclient AreaTopEdge
18 # Areas must not overlap or it throws BadValue errors
19 synclient MiddleButtonAreaLeft
20 synclient MiddleButtonAreaRight
21 synclient MiddleButtonAreaTop
22 synclient MiddleButtonAreaBottom
24 synclient RightButtonAreaLeft
25 synclient RightButtonAreaRight
26 synclient RightButtonAreaTop
27 synclient RightButtonAreaBottom