+# Because why not? curl must be installed
+readonly BROWSER="google-chrome"
+# Create a random imgur url that may or may not be valid
+imgururl() {
+ # 1/3% chance for length of 5, 6 or 7 length string
+ STRLN=$((5 + ${RANDOM} % 3))
+ local ID=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w ${STRLN} | head -n 1)
+ echo "http://i.imgur.com/${ID}.jpg"
+# Test if we found a valid URL
+testimgur() {
+ local URL=${1}
+ local RESULT=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" ${URL})
+ if [[ ${RESULT} == 200 ]]; then
+ echo true
+ else
+ echo false
+ fi
+main() {
+ local FAIL=0
+ while true; do
+ local URL=$(imgururl)
+ if [[ $(testimgur ${URL}) == "true" ]]; then
+ echo "Found ${URL} after ${FAIL} failed tries"
+ ${BROWSER} ${URL} > /dev/null 2>&1
+ local FAIL=0
+ else
+ FAIL=$(( ${FAIL}+1 ))
+ fi
+ done