--- /dev/null
+# Configure the X240 ClickPad
+# 1 finger = left click, 2 finger = right click, 3 finger = middle click
+synclient TapButton2=3
+synclient TapButton3=2
+synclient ClickFinger2=3
+synclient ClickFinger3=2
+# enable horizontal two-finger scrolling (vertical is enabled by default)
+synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=1
+synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=1
+# Where does the touch pad end to leave the remainder as real buttons
+synclient AreaTopEdge=2000
+# Areas must not overlap or it throws BadValue errors
+synclient MiddleButtonAreaLeft=3000
+synclient MiddleButtonAreaRight=4049
+synclient MiddleButtonAreaTop=0
+synclient MiddleButtonAreaBottom=2000
+synclient RightButtonAreaLeft=4050
+synclient RightButtonAreaRight=0
+synclient RightButtonAreaTop=0
+synclient RightButtonAreaBottom=2000